Hunters' Journal - JB Mobley

Posted by JB Mobley | Jan 19th 2019

Hunters' Journal - JB Mobley

Hunters' Journal - JB Mobley

Posted by JB Mobley on Jan 19th 2019

There are times when it’s more than just a hunt. It’s a test of resilience, endurance, and patience…resulting in a memory that will last a lifetime.

As whitetail hunters in the south, several of us dream of drawing an archery or muzzleloader deer tag in the Midwest. Typically, in November centered around the rut, these hunts usually take a few years to draw out and are difficult to score. One of our Nat Gear friends sent us a story of one such hunt that had to be shared.

“I was lucky enough to draw out a muzzleloader tag in Iowa. The weather forecast looked to be perfect and my excitement was high. As the days counted down and my excitement grew, the weather went from better to bitter. Brutal cold temps were forecast due to a mega cold front that was scheduled to sweep across the heartland. Temps were limited to single-digit highs and -20 to -30-degree wind-chills were expected to be the norm. Traditionally this kind of weather lends itself to deer hunkering near their food source, and I knew where I needed to be. My excitement was still high and I knew I had a good chance of success. On the first five evenings, the brutal cold brought out numerous whitetails early to feed but I had yet to see anything mature. The bitter cold and high winds were beginning to take their toll. I had one more night to go and as most were making their New Year’s Eve plans, I was snuggled neck deep in my blind, hoping the big buck I spotted earlier in the week would make a showing. Finally, just before the sun was setting this big old buck an appearance. As he made his way into view, I could see he was not only a monster but out of range. I remained patient, silent and resilient. It was worth the wait. After several minutes, I was able to make a clean shot at 100 yards and drop him in his tracks. Suddenly that wind-chill of -26 degrees went away and the euphoria of a lifetime took its place. I couldn’t have done it without the Natural Gear’s Windproof fleece. It’s warmth, quiet and protection kept me warm and focused. In combination with my Windproof Parka and bibs, I was prepared and successful in the hunt I had dreamed of for years.”

Congratulations JB. We love hearing these kinds of stories. It’s why we do what we do every day. 

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